Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Free Databases and Data Visualisations course for kids Week 6

Week 6 update:

Yesterday the class was a bit different because it started off with a Database Fundamentals test.  There were 20 questions to answer that covered all the database concepts that were covered in the last 5 weeks.  If you would like to answer the questions yourself, the questionsare here. #microsoftnz,#sqlserver, #sqlfamily

15 kids and 2 adults took part in the test. I have marked the answers and am very pleased with the results which are as below:
 2 of the kids acheived 100 %
 4 kids achieved between 90% and 100%
 3 kids between 70% and 80%
 3 kids between 55% and 65%
 3 kids achieved 45 %.  These are the kids who joined after 3 weeks and they did not have sql server to practice at home as they had MAC and Chrome books as their devices.

After the test we discussed the answers for the questions.  Then I covered the topic on Table joins.  Below is a photo of the kids smiling after the test.

From next week I will be teaching them Data Visualisation using Power BI #powerbi, #powerbiusergroup.  I will be designing the course with the help of @reza rad book power-bi-from-rookie-to-rockstar  and @marco russo and @alberto ferrari's book- Introducing Microsoft Power BI .

Any help in designing the course with kids in mind is highly appreciated.

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