Every year I try to teach kids some aspects of Technology. Last year I taught Game Development using Construct 2 for a group of 12 primary and intermediate school kids. They developed 9 games and participated at a competition that involved High School kids. Two of the games got 2nd and 3rd prizes as well.
In this process I really enjoyed teaching the basics and the kids also enjoyed making the games that they liked and learned a lot.
So I was thinking of what to teach them and came up with a lot of ideas and finally settled with -- why not teach them with what I hae been doing for the last 15 years ?
And so I came up with the course title 'Database Programming and Data Visualisations' For this I will be using the latest SQL Server Express and Power BI as the database and data visualisation tools. I have planned this to do in a span of 8 - 10 weeks.
Below is the list of topics I am going to cover for this free course.
- Introduction to databases
- Create an SQL database along with some tables
- Insert Update and Delete data
- Importing data
- Querying the data using DDL statements
- Introduction to Data Visualisation
- Introduction to Power BI
- DAX basics
- Create Visualisations
- Usage of bookmarks and drillthroughs
- Create and share dashboards based on reports in Power BI desktop
- Using custom visuals
- Optimise the model for Natural Language Query
I would like to make it as fun and interesting as Hamish Watsonpossible. So I look to you all for ideas to help me deliver this successfully so that they can get the fundamentals fo database basics, normalisation, relational databases and visualisation concepts right.
#sqlfamily, #powerbi, #microsoftnz
So please bring along all your creative ideas that can help me deliver this program successfully.
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