Tuesday, October 09, 2018

Power BI Competition for Kids aged between 11 and 15

Yesterday I have concluded the 12 weeks databases and data visualisation classes by running a #powerbi data visualisation competition for kids.  

Extremely happy that Reza Rad and leila Etaati have agreed to be the judges for this first ever #powerbinz competition.  
11 kids participated and I have given them the links to makeovermonday website to choose their own data and come up with their visualisations.

I sincerely thank all the kids and parents Bindu HandaSurya AtmalaSreesutha NampallyRajnish Suri, PMP and  all others who are not there on LinkedIn for all their extended support without which the event would not have been successful.  Now I feel that the kids have learnt something useful over the last 12 weeks. :)  

Below are the photos of the top 3 winners of the competition. If anyone is interested in watching the videos of the kids presentations you can access the below link  https://drive.google.com/open?id=185DKP5DxBl0Lfb9rxPcxmdKAPbhMHJHD 

Free Power BI Classes for Week 7 (Last)

Just completed the last class of the F ree  P ower BI  classes of this series.  Today we have covered Adding a canvas background Adding Imag...