So I started exploring the PowerBIReportServer database and see whether there are any statistics that I could utilise. The database had views of executionlogs that are similar to the SSRS ReportServer database. After studying all the available views, I came up with this stored procedure to monitor the usage of the Power BI Reports.
USE PBIReportServer Go SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO Create PROCEDURE [dbo].[PBI_Usage_Stats] AS BEGIN SELECT [InstanceName] ,[ReportPath] ,[UserName] ,[TimeStart] ,[TimeEnd] ,[TimeDataRetrieval] ,[TimeProcessing] ,[TimeRendering] ,[Source] ,[Status] ,[ByteCount] FROM [PBIReportServer].[dbo].[ExecutionLog2] where Status = 'rsSuccess' and ReportPath != 'Unknown' and Bytecount > 0 and username not like 'NT SERVICE%' End