Monday, June 17, 2024

Free Power BI Classes for Week 7 (Last)

Just completed the last class of the Free Power BI classes of this series. 

Today we have covered

Adding a canvas background

Adding Image

Creating Bookmarks

Adding Custom Visuals.

Also completed the Lab 4 as well which included publishing the report to Power BI Service, creating a dashboard, autocreate a report, Quick Insights Navigation bar in the Power BI Service, creating workspaces and many others.

Thanks to all those who have attended and all those who are following the videos in their own time

You can find the video here


Monday, June 10, 2024

Free Power BI Classes 2024 Week 6

Today we have started Lab 3 in the free Power BI classes where we covered the below topics

  • Line and Clustered Column Chart
  • Formatting of various visuals
  • Gauge Visual

Here is a link to the youtube  recording

Monday, June 03, 2024

Free Power BI Classes for Week 5

 Successfully completed the Power BI Classes for Week 5

Completed Lab 2 and Covered the below topics

  • Adding a slicer
  • Creating a Date Dimension using DAX
  • Hiding a column from the model
  • Creating a relationship
  • Created Product Hierarchy
  • Created matrix visual
  • Created measures for Previous Year Sales and % Growth

Explained the difference between Calculated Column and measures  

Here is the link to the recording.  If anyone wants to start learning Power BI please get in touch with me  

Monday, May 27, 2024

Free Power BI class for Week 4

Successfully completed the Power BI class for Week 4 

We continued on Lab 2

Covered the following topics

  • Create for Stacked Column Chart
  • Interactivity of the visuals on a page
  • Filters on the visual and Filters on a Page
  • Formatting of Visuals
  • Drill up, Drill down Show as table
  • Create a group for Manufacturer

Learnings from troubleshooting after the class to resolve a couple of issues are as below

💡 Zip column must always be a text and change the data type as early in the steps as possible

💡 Make sure the order of columns are the same in the Append Query

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Free Power BI Classes for Week 3.

Yesterday I have completed the Power BI Classes for Week 3

Completed Lab 1 and started Lab 2

Covered the below topics

  • Appending two tables
  • Adding a conditional column
  • In Lab 2 explained data modelling concepts like Facts, Dimensions, Star Schema and Snowflake schema
  • Discussed one to many, many to one and many to many relationships
  • Created new columns to get over the many to many relationship scenario too
  • Finally created a clustered column chart 

Here is the link to the recording 

Monday, May 13, 2024

Free Power BI Classes for week 2

Just now completed the free Power BI Classes for week 2.

Continued to work on Lab 1.  Covered the below topics

  • Importing files from a Folder
  • Transforming Data operations like 
    • Renaming Tables and columns
    • Splitting columns
    • Adding Columns By Examples
    • Transposing Columns
    • Removing Unwanted Rows

Here is the link to the recording for all those who want to start off with Power BI 

Monday, May 06, 2024

Free Power BI Classes Online -- Week 1

Today I have started free Power BI classes

These classes are aimed at people who are new to Power BI.  I will be covering the Dashboard in a Day labs over 6 weeks.

We had some technical issues with people not able to see the chat.  But ultimately was able to share the material required for the labs.

Today we started off with Lab 0 and Lab 1.

Here is the link to the recording for all those who want to start off with Power BI 

Free Power BI Classes for Week 7 (Last)

Just completed the last class of the F ree  P ower BI  classes of this series.  Today we have covered Adding a canvas background Adding Imag...